Diana Jellinek Acting Coach & Actress, Los Angeles, CA

"Diana Jellinek in a smart debut."
San Diego Union-Tribune
"Leggy Diana Jellinek makes the most of both Pam and Popo and to her goes the undying gratitude of this reviewer; if not for her brilliantly comical characterizations, this play would have been an unbroken swamp of monotonous misery."
Gay and Lesbian Times
"Diana Jellinek as the long-legged, bubble-brained love interest makes the material sparkle."
KPBS radio
"Diana Jellinek and Andrew Graves bring genuine warmth and comic timing to the loving, party-throwing couple whose very stability of relationship underscores the angst of everyone else's."
Pasadena Star News
"Diana Jellinek and Fred Nelson gave fantastic performances as Agnes and Michael. From their ferocious battles to their tender moments, they were bright and funny, and they perfectly captured the aging process in their appearance, movement, and voices."
The Review
"Diana Jellinek, as 'C,' gives a clearly defined, at-moments impassioned performance, that becomes the myth of what it means to be defiantly young."
The Review